Saturday, February 24, 2007

Trying something different

I know so far I've posted poems here..and that should be the main focus of this blog I suppose, since I have another blog elsewhere to ramble. But, it's my blog and I've never been much of a conformist so I'm going to mix things up now and then. This morning I find poetry is boring me. I'm tired of trying to make the words meaningful and poetic and fit just right, look just right on the page. Poetry is more than just words, it is an art form. So today I'm switching to letter writing. These letters may be truth or fiction, to real or imaginary people. We'll see what comes out of this. Apologies to my writer friends in advance since they are most likely to read thuggings this is just an exercise for my brain. :) Letters to come throughout the day.

1 comment:

JR Maston said...

I LOVE the idea of letters... maybe I'll steal, uh, I mean borrow it for my own blog.